Tuesday, September 9, 2008


ACCESS stands for Alabama Connecting Classrooms Educators and Students Statewide. This website was organized by Governor Bob Riley and State Superintendent of Education, Dr. Joseph B. Morton, the purpose is to innovate ways to bring other learning options such as Internet, into the classroom of high school students in Alabama. The plan will provide teaching and classwork through the Internet, with of course approved Internet sites, with the most recent interactive modes. This is also a good tool to have for a high school teacher because if there is something you want your kids to learn but are not certified in you can go on this website and have what is called an E-teacher instruct your class, the teacher is filmed from what the website called a delivery school site. This is also a positive if you are wanting to teach something and no one in the state is certified or properly educated in that field. ACCESS lists these objectives for the website: provide access to advanced diploma courses, provide access to additional course offerings, provide access to advanced placement or dual enrollment courses, access to remediation and supplemental resources, leverage existing resources and distance learning offerings. provide teachers with additional multimedia and technology tools to enhance instruction. By the summer of 2007 ACCESS wants to be connected to all high schools in Alabama.
Since I am studying to be an Elementary teacher this website would not be helpful to me. But, if I were going to be in secondary education I would definitely want to know more about this site and how I can use it for the best interest to the students. This is a great program because it does not limit a child to certain classes just because of where they go to school. With this program it can help all Alabama students and give everyone equal opportunity's to be in classes that are not offered at his or her school.

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